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Volunteers Serving Food

Our Mission

Dedicated to serving the children and families of the Journey School and surrounding community, the SON Experience focuses on meeting physical needs to open doors for sharing God's Word. Inspired and guided by our strong Christian focus, we strive to expand our impact, providing support to those in need. Get in touch to learn more about our initiatives and/or volunteer!

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Volunteers Serving Food

Programs & Initiatives

The SON Experience encourages an atmosphere of authenticity in our relationships. When we gather, our goal is to create an environment where people feel comfortable being themselves. 

We connect people with God in many ways through our events. These events are relaxing, genuine and designed for fun! We partner with local churches to help people stay connected to God.


By partnering with other organizations, The SON Experience can offer a safe environment for religious education, local tutoring, small groups (including youth groups), building connections, self-development and volunteering. Our initiatives may include:

School Supply Drive

Help teachers by providing their students with the proper tools for the classroom. By providing supplies, you are supporting students, teachers and your local community.

After-School Programs & Camps

These programs can support social, emotional, cognitive, and academic development. They can reduce risky behaviors, promote physical health, and provide a safe and supportive environment for children and youth.

Community Dinners

Hosting a Community Dinner is a great way to bring people together as God intended for food, fun and conversation. These dinners can help families learn to have healthier, and more meaningful meals.

Our Team

Dedication. Expertise. Passion.

Our vision is to transform the lives of The Journey School Community. We value integrity, honesty, facing reality and, prayerfully, doing something about it. Reaching one soul at a time, we seek the wisdom, strength and love from God.

Mark Wrightsman

Board Chair

Tom Evans

Board Member

Dave Wegner

Board Member

Dale Mueller

Board Member/Treasurer

Judith Darling

Operations Manager

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Copyright 2024. The SON Experience, MN. All Rights Reserved. The Savior of the Nations Experience (Son Experience) is a 501(c)(3) Organization.

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